Of course, everybody knows that Viagra is an erectile dysfunction drug. It has been a lifesaver and a lifeline for many relationships. But did you know that it has many other uses besides treating ED? Viagra functions by affecting the blood circulatory system which makes blood flow to the organs including penis. Medical experts have found the blue pill particularly useful in situations where the body’s circulatory system requires some stimulation.

Nobody might have told you this, but Viagra is marketed under many different brand names. This involves using the active ingredients of Viagra in combination with other drugs so as to treat various medical conditions. As such, Viagra – or rather its main active ingredient, sildenafil – could even exist in one of the drugs on your shelf.

Below are some of the uses of Viagra outside sexual performance:


While it has not exactly been used for the treatment of stroke, tests being carried out in Detroit have yielded positive results. It is believed that if sildenafil is administered within three days after the occurrence of a stroke, it will go a long way in helping the patient to recover. In fact, clinical trials have found Viagra to help both men and women experience considerable improvement of speech, movement, and thinking.


If you have traveled for days without a break, then you fully understand how jetlag can take a toll on you. It is being reported that Viagra affects an enzyme called cGMP. The enzyme changes sleep patterns by releasing hormones that regulate the neurotransmitters. Researchers used Viagra on animal trials to ascertain whether it affected sleep patterns or not. Shockingly, the animals adapted quickly to the light changes, which showed that it could massively help tackle effects of jetlag in human beings.


Trials are ongoing for Viagra as a possible aid for pregnant women with underweight babies. These are specific cases where the fetus is below the expected weight for the number of weeks a woman has been pregnant. Once in the body, the active components of Viagra are said to increase blood flow to the womb which in turn allows more nutrients to reach the fetus.

Pulmonary hypertension

Viagra is currently one of the drugs that are used to treat hypertension. Marketed under the name Revatio, the drug has been instrumental in dealing with this condition. Hypertension (especially pulmonary hypertension) is where there is abnormally high blood pressure in the blood vessels leading to the lungs.

There are some other uses of Viagra including treatment of multiple sclerosis, for memory and cognitive strengths, Raynaud’s phenomenon and more. These are serious medical conditions that are only treatable by drugs prescribed by a certified health professional. So it’s strongly recommended not to use Viagra for any purposes without consulting with your doctor first.