People often consider Erectile Dysfunction, or ED as it is popularly called, as just an “old man’s disease”. Well, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. ED can occur in men both young and old. It is general misunderstandings like these that have caused many ED patients to suffer in silence, especially seniors. But the sooner people are educated about ED, its causes and effects, the better they will be able to deal with it.

Facts and fictions

impotenceThe first thing that people should understand is that ED is not a “disease” that can be contracted via a bug or an infection. It also can’t be transmitted from person to person. It is a medical condition, just as Arthritis or High/Low Blood pressure is. And just as life can go on for people suffering from Arthritis or High/Low Blood pressure, so too can ED be managed to deliver a healthy sexual lifestyle.

It is true that as men get older, they have a greater challenge getting an erection and sustaining it. So in that sense, ED is age-related. However, the fact is that ED can strike even younger adult males. In fact, 1 in 5 men suffer from ED, and that number only increases as men age.

Another popular misconception is to equate ED with diminished or low libido. Once again, that’s fiction and the two are not necessarily related. Low libido is a condition where men (and women) have a generally decreasing desire for sexual activity. ED on the other hand is caused by constricted blood flow to the penile muscles, rendering it difficult to have or sustain an erection. In fact, men with perfectly healthy libidos can suffer from ED.

People also often think conditions like ED are hereditary or race related. That too is not true. While some hereditary conditions might subsequently lead to ED, it is utterly false to conclude that if a parent suffers from ED, his male offspring will inherit the condition. Additionally, ED respects no race boundaries at all, and Caucasian males are as susceptible to it as are Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos, Asians or people of other races.

Men (regardless of age) should look for specific symptoms such as:

  1. having erections which are not hard enough for intercourse
  2. having erections for too brief a period to have sex
  3. not having erections, even though they are sexually stimulated

Sexual disorders such as Erectile Dysfunction can be managed through subtle or even major lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress, eating well, exercising, giving up alcohol and smoking or losing weight. Any activity that improves blood flow throughout the body can help mitigate the symptoms of ED.

However, for some men lifestyle changes might not necessarily be the answer. Although making healthy lifestyle choices / decisions might help, some men need medicinal intervention to combat the effects of Erectile Dysfunction.

Medication, such as Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate), Zenegra, Levitra (vardenafil), Cialis (Tadalafil), Stendra (avanafil), and Staxyn also work to improve blood flow to the penile area. Other inject able medication, which widens the blood vessels in the penis to facilitate harder and sustained erections, is also available.

Regardless of what options one chooses to manage their ED symptoms, orally ingested tablets, chewable capsules or injected medication, one must consult a qualified health care professional before making the decision to choose the most appropriate course of treatment.