Cholesterol plays a crucial role in our bodies, as it helps maintain the rigidity and shape of our cell walls. Without it, our appearance would be drastically different and far from ideal. However, it’s important to note that lowering cholesterol levels below the physiological norm can lead to the development of mental illness. On the other hand, high cholesterol levels can result in dangerous and difficult-to-diagnose conditions, which, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks and strokes in 89% of cases.

Dark chicken meat contains essential nutrients such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. However, it’s important to remember that different parts of the chicken carcass contain varying levels of cholesterol. In cases of metabolic disorders, it’s advisable to remove the skin and fat from the chicken before cooking, as they contain more cholesterol than the entire chicken.

Chicken gizzards contain 240 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of the product and are beneficial for heart diseases when consumed in moderation. It’s recommended to eat them boiled, infrequently, and in small quantities. While offal is often considered harmful, chicken hearts contain numerous substances necessary for the body, making them suitable for patients who have undergone major operations and athletes. Even with high cholesterol levels, consuming 1-2 hearts per week is permissible.

People with high cholesterol levels should avoid consuming any liver, including chicken liver, despite its essential amino acids. To navigate this dilemma, it’s possible to eat chicken liver in small quantities, steamed, and accompanied by beans or asparagus stems to help lower cholesterol levels.

To stabilize cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis, it’s essential to follow the rules of healthy eating. This includes excluding fried, smoked, salty, and pickled dishes, as well as limiting the intake of fats and offal. When cooking chicken and other lean meats, opt for steaming, baking, or boiling to retain their beneficial properties. Use minimal amounts of salt, as it can cause blood vessel dilation and increase blood pressure. Remove the skin from the chicken before cooking and prioritize chicken breast, as it contains minimal cholesterol.

By making informed choices about chicken consumption and maintaining a balanced diet, it’s possible to support heart health and manage cholesterol levels effectively.