At all times, such a service as medical care at home was in high demand. There have always existed such patients who, due to certain objective circumstances, could not get to a medical institution by themselves.

Unfortunately, there are also emergency cases, due to which medical assistance can be provided only at home. Be that as it may, the idea of creating mobile medical teams belongs to a genius man.

From official sources it is known for sure that the first mentioning of ambulances in United States, for example, refers to the beginning of the last century. However, do not think that earlier medical assistance at home was not practised at all. Back in the sixteenth century, one of the wealthy merchants organized special institutions, called the “alms-house”, where all those who needed it were kept and treated, regardless of their estates. Same mobile medical teams operated in medieval Europe. So the history of the development of emergency medical care is quite long, and till nowadays ambulance doctors save thousands of lives every day.

Medical care at home is the main component of the medical care provided outside the hospital. Such an assistance is provided by the staff of almost all specialized medical institutions. Among them are employees of out-patient institutions; district clinics; workers of emergency aid substations; paramedic posts; obstetric centers.

In modern times, home care becomes extremely important. This is due to the fact that many serious diseases have become noticeably younger today. Some serious diseases severely limit the mobility of a person. In such circumstances, the development and increase in the number of brigades and services, such as home health care, is becoming very relevant. Almost every second disease is identified at home, with the majority of potential patients in medical institutions receiving emergency care, prefer to continue treatment while staying at home.

The peculiarity of mobile medical care at home is, first of all, that specialists come to take emergency measures. Among those we can name resuscitation measures, aiding in fractures and poisonings. You should call the doctor at home if you: feel a strong malaise; you have a high fever; you feel difficulty breathing; if you have reduced or increased pressure, as well as a small gap between the upper and lower pressure; you have experienced signs of severe poisoning; if you have symptoms of a severe cold.

Especially careful you should be to the health of children, if the child started vomiting, if he has a fever, convulsions – you should always call a doctor at home. If you need medical care and there is no possibility of queuing at medical facilities, you are strongly advised to seek help of some medical and preventive centers. These modern centers have a sufficient number of ambulances equipped with everything necessary to make qualitative and thorough diagnosis and to provide emergency medical measures. They normally have highly qualified doctors and attentive staff. These specialists will listen to you attentively and find an individual approach to your problems. Stay healthy!