First of all, pay your attention to the symptoms of the disease. Urinary tract infection is more common to women and appears due to bacteria in the urethra and bladder. If you do not treat this disease you may have complications in the kidneys.

Below we are listing some signs of this disease:

  • frequent urge to urinate but small (or completely absent) amount of urine;
  • pain / burning sensation (dysuria);
  • heat or chills;
  • abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • muddy or unusual (dark yellow or greenish) color of urine;
  • blood in the urine;
  • bad smell of the urine.

Contact your doctor if you suspect signs of this disease. You will need to go through several diagnostic procedures.

This disease can be caused by bacteria, viruses, funguses and even parasites. If you know the reason, you will be able to cure the disease. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics, antifungal, antiviral drugs or antiparasitic medicine.

You need to know which type of disease you have. For example, urethritis is an infection of the urethra (a channel through which urine from the bladder is excreted from the body) and cystitis is an infection of the bladder.

Only doctors can prescribe you a cure for the spasms and acute pain that accompanies this disease. Moreover, only a doctor can decide whether a surgery is needed.

You should conduct a full therapy with drugs that have been prescribed to you. Unfortunately, this disease easily becomes resistant to antibiotics if you do not complete the therapy regimen. So, you must follow the doctor’s instructions and take the medicine carefully and regularly.

  • You should not drink alcohol while taking the medication. It weakens the effect of antibiotics and can cause serious side effects.
  • You should avoid exposure to sunlight while taking antibiotics.
  • If 24 hours after the beginning treatment you do not feel better please contact the doctor.
  • Even if you feel better do not stop taking the medicine. You must undergo a full therapy.
  • If you have fever and pain you should take the usual febrifugal and other pain-killers.

You need to drink a large amount of liquid during and after the illness. The liquid flushes out the infection from the body and keeps the normal water balance. It is necessary to drink plenty of water in general. This will reduce the likelihood of such a disease as cystitis. Be sure to drink clean water, decaffeinated tea and other healthy drinks. You should avoid the use of caffeine. It has a dehydrating effect. For the same reason, you should avoid drinks with sugar and alcohol.

It’s very good if you drink cranberry juice. You should choose juice which contains little sugar or where the sugar is replaced with a sweetener. Note that a lot of sugar is harmful and without a sweetener the juice will be too sour. So drink juice in moderation and stick to a healthy and nutritious diet.