Erectile dysfunction is an irregular, untimely or inadequate erection of the penis or its absence to a sexual stimulation along with abnormal ejaculation. The onset of impotence, usually associated with advanced age, but in today’s world, more and more young men suffer from it.

Peculiar causes of erectile dysfunction

The major reason for that lies on the surface is chronic fatigue and stress. Whatever may be said about the fine mental and physical organization of women’s, men’s strength and health are influenced by external factors of life much more.

These effects are imperceptible in his youth, when hormones are produced in excess, and then, urging the man to new achievements. In adulthood, when hormonal storm subsided, the man should pay more attention to their physiological and emotional needs.

Violations of the heart, atherosclerosis, obesity, chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, injuries of the spine, lumbosacral neuralgia can disrupt the natural harmonious mechanism of normal sexual intercourse.

Certain inflammatory diseases of the genital organs can lead to local fibrotic changes.

Features of interaction with a partner during intercourse, its appearance, behavior, smell, etc., can cause unpleasant emotions that may cause loss of desire.

Peculiar signs/symptoms of erectile dysfunction

The concept of erectile dysfunction (impotence) includes any poor performance of sexual intercourse. In this case, the anatomical integrity of the structure can be maintained or broken:

1. An erection is absent or inadequate.

Another option – when the erection disappears in the time of entry of the penis into the vagina, or shortly thereafter.

2. Premature ejaculation, early (with introduction of the term), is absent.

This is what concerns the clinical manifestations. Instrumental methods of research at the same time fix a violation of blood filling the cavernous bodies of the penis, weak impulses in the nerve fibers that innervate the penis or changes in the structure of tissues. The presence of any of these signs gives an idea about the cause of dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction can be expressed only in the presence of a partner. In other situations, all reflex reactions saved. In this case, treatment should be based on psychotherapy. Good news is that the ability to recover the lost sexual power. However, for successful treatment requires the full cooperation psychotherapist and maximum openness.

Peculiar types of erectile dysfunction

All cases of impotence are divided into organic and psychogenic. In each age group the ratio between these groups varies with age increases the proportion of organic pathology. Of course, in the case where there is a material basis for the development of the problem, and a man fails, the psychological factor is applied to organic disorder, increasing manifestations of impotence. In this case, it is difficult to identify the severity of organic problems without special investigation. However, it is easier to distinguish psychogenic impotence comparing to physiological reasons.

In this case, it is always saved the night and morning (involuntary) erection. It is always good news for a doctor who is taken to treat a man: a theoretical chance for a full recovery of normal sexual life a lot more if the material basis is not damaged. Often, however, already well-formed perverse psychological connection is much harder to break than to restore patency already morphologically altered cavities in the cavernous bodies.