As men, we often think that we are invincible especially when we are still young. However, once we reach our late 30’s, various health issues start to crop up. As we grow older, our health concerns begin to shift to a more serious state and require more care and attention. A research conducted by Men’s Health Network indicated that the lack of awareness, unhealthy lifestyles, and poor health education lead to a decline in men’s health all over the world. Below are the top 4 health issues that affect men.
1. Heart Disease
Heart disease normally comes in various forms which can lead to serious and even fatal complications if they are left undiagnosed and untreated. A research conducted by American Heart Association revealed that one in three male adults suffers from some form of heart disease. Moreover, African-American males account for 100,000 more deaths related to heart disease than Caucasian males.
Stroke has also been known to affect more than 2 million men, and high blood pressure tends to be a common factor in men over 45 years. Doctors normally calculate the risk of heart disease in men based on various factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and smoking habits.
2. Respiratory Diseases
Many respiratory diseases begin with an innocent cough caused by smoking. Over time, such coughs may eventually cause life-threatening diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or emphysema. These conditions normally get in the way of breathing functions. American Lung Association has reported that every year an increasing number of men develop lung cancer than the previous years. Again, African-American men statistically have a greater chance of dying from lung cancer than other ethnic or racial groups. While smoking is still the main cause of lung cancer, prolonged exposure to various surrounding risks such as asbestos materials and air pollution will also increase the chances of developing the disease.
3. Alcohol Related Diseases
The CDC has reported that men tend to face higher risks of deaths and hospitalizations caused by excessive drinking of alcohol. Men tend to drink a lot more than women and they sometimes display aggressive behavior such as violence and sexual assault when they are drunk. Excessive consumption of alcohol increases the risk of cancer in the mouth, liver, colon, esophagus, and throat. It will also interfere with testicular functions and hormone production, which can lead to infertility and impotence. The CDC also reports that men have a higher chance of committing suicide due to alcohol problems.
4. Diabetes
When diabetes is left untreated, it can lead to various fatal diseases such as kidney damage, nerve damage, stroke, heart disease, or blindness. Men who have been diagnosed with diabetes also have a chance of facing impotence and lower testosterone levels. In turn, this can cause increased levels of anxiety or depression. The most effective way of controlling diabetes is eating healthily and exercising daily. American Diabetes Association has stated that modern men are more aware of their blood sugar levels; nevertheless, the disease still contributes to more than 230,000 deaths yearly, most of which befall men.