What is anxiety?

By Dr. Ben Lynch
Updated 2021-02-17 19:35:01 | Published 2018-08-04 06:52:25
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Do you often feel anxiety? Do not worry about it. This is the way it normally is. It is an integral component of the human psyche. It is normally for a living, healthy person, who is able to respond adequately to changes in the external world and/or in one's own organism. A psychologically healthy person necessarily worries, fears and also experiences other negative and positive feelings in order to live a full life. But person must test them in moderation, with a full or at least partial awareness of one or another of one's feelings. Actually, if people do all in moderation and knew how to consciously control their feelings then they did not have problems with any negative feelings.

But many people, unfortunately, do not know how to do it. However, it is never too late to learn, for example, with the help of this article.

There are no problems in this feeling. It has a great opportunity for you to change your life for the better and become stronger. You just have to figure out what's bothering you and why. After all, if something is bothering you it means that you have to do something. You must understand what information your feelings contain, what you need to do with this information and how to react to it. Otherwise, you will be worried all the time and it will give you some discomfort. However, you need discomfort. We all need discomfort as air and we also need problems. It is important only to learn correctly and adequately to perceive any problems and discomfort so as not to go mad because of them.

Let's figure out what anxiety is. This is a signal of an imminent danger or a state of such danger. This is our inner and emotional experience of what has already happened or about what is to come. In general, if you do not go into details then this feeling is a vague fear about future or already occurred events. Anxiety warns us against negative events in the future, draws our attention to both the future and the past, which is negative from our point of view. Thus, we can conclude that when something disturbs us and worries it is a signal that notifies us of some real or imaginary danger to which we must respond. The discomfort that we experience when something disturbs us is just what is needed for us to react to this or that threat or to a change in the external world or in our body. We need to adapt to various changes in order to survive or if we have enough opportunities we need something and/or someone to adapt to ourselves. We need discomfort in order for us to do this. In other words, anxiety is useful information. It is vital information that according to the plan of nature. It is designed to help us survive.

In no case should we ignore this information. We must analyze it. We must study and investigate it in order to understand where this information comes from and what it encourages us to do. We will not be able to take our feelings under our control without a full understanding of them. We will not be able to use them as an instrument of knowing the outer and inner world.

Dr. Ben Lynch is verified user for iMedix

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