Arthritis is an ailment that affects thousands of people around the world, i.e. this is a widespread disease. The disease got its name from the word of “athron”, which stands for “joint” in Greek .

The first mentioning of the signs of the disease and its treatment dates back to the period of life and activity of Hippocrates. It turns out that already back in those days, doctors in cooperation with folk healers took the first steps to combat this disease. However, at first doctors called “arthritis” any disease that somehow affected the joints and the locomotor system of the body, but in the sixteenth century, arthritis was classified as a certain type of a pathology. The stages of the disease and the types of arthritis were first determined at that time.

Therefore, speaking about arthritis today, physicians mean a number of diseases that have common unique features.

According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, every hundredth resident of this country is sick with arthritis. This disease of the joints affects all age categories, there are no exceptions. It does not depend on the sex of a person. Such a lack of specific factors makes the disease not just an ailment, but a real problem for modern society.

Scientific observations and research, at the same time, confirm that the middle-aged females are exposed to the highest risk.
Despite the fact that as a disease arthritis has been known for a long time, in the 21st century the causes of its appearance were studied by physicians only partially. Genetic predisposition is the most likely cause of arthritis development.

Therefore, theoretically, each person can have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. And he will not necessarily suffer from arthritis himself. Usually, the genetic predisposition to arthritis is transmitted from generation to generation and the descendants already manifest this disease in full.

The second reason for arthritis, confirmed by scientists, is the pathology of the lymph nodes, in the presence of which immune cells simply cannot detect viruses and start fighting them in a timely manner.

In this respect, arthritis is a very insidious disease, as broken immune cells can detect a problem in the body, but in the process of neutralizing it, they can make mistakes and destroy their own healthy joint cells (autoimmune reaction). The third cause of arthritis development is complications after the infectious diseases. In this regard, the absolute leader is influenza or ARI ( professional medical slang).

Orthopaedics and rheumatologists are the ones who treat arthritis. Conservative treatment includes a full-fledged drug therapy and activities aimed at preventing muscle hypotrophy, deformities and contractures.

The main medications (Amoxil, Vibramycin, Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin) to be used are basic and anti-inflammatory. Basic preparations are prescribed to improve immunological processes in the body, and anti-inflammatory drugs have a local effect. In case of infectious arthritis, it is mandatory to take antibiotics.

In order to maintain muscle movements and prevent muscle hypotrophy, active medicinal exercises and massage are usually prescribed. Unfortunately, for 30% of arthritis patients medication and conservative methods of treatment are not very effective and therefore they are assigned surgical treatment.

Based on the above information, hope you will understand what is arthritis, what are its variations and the main symptoms.