What is birth control?

By Kim Bailey
Updated 2024-04-07 08:45:35 | Published 2018-12-29 18:10:52
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What is birth control?

Living in a free society means that we have the right to choose our sexual partners and the type of relationship we want to have with them. However, with this freedom comes the responsibility to protect ourselves and our partners from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. This is where contraception comes in.

What is Contraception?

Contraception is not just about preventing unwanted pregnancies; it is also about preserving your sexual and reproductive health and ensuring that any future pregnancies are planned and wanted. Unfortunately, many couples still struggle with questions surrounding contraception, with some women opting for abortion as an easier solution than preventing unwanted pregnancies, and others avoiding sexual intercourse altogether out of fear of getting pregnant. These are both ineffective and potentially harmful approaches to sexual and reproductive health.

The History of Contraception

Historically, women have borne the brunt of the responsibility for preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, in recent years, methods of male contraception have been developed, although they have yet to gain widespread popularity.

Choosing the Right Contraception

Choosing the right contraception is a highly individual decision that depends on a variety of factors, including age, body reaction, frequency of sexual activity, and plans for the future. It is important to consult with a gynecologist to determine the best option for you, as you may need to undergo a gynecological examination, ultrasound, and a series of tests to determine which method is most suitable.

Currently, there are many different types of contraception available, ranging from hormonal methods such as the pill, patch, and ring, to barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms, to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) such as IUDs and implants. The method that is best for you will depend on your individual needs and circumstances.


Choosing the right contraception is a crucial part of taking responsibility for your sexual and reproductive health. By considering your individual needs and consulting with a gynecologist, you can find a method that works for you and ensures that any future pregnancies are planned and wanted.

Kim Bailey is verified user for iMedix

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