What is Physical health?

By Greg Dean
Updated 2020-02-24 19:53:36 | Published 2018-07-26 06:32:31
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Physical activity

Physical health of a person is a natural state of the body, conditioned by the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Humanity is constantly striving to improve and facilitate its mode of life. This type of health is an important attribute that determines the overall level of health of the population.

The negative impact of progress also comes into our lives together with the positive moments of the development of society. This negative influence often causes a very great harm to this type of health of modern man.

Physical health of a person is not only the health of the body. It is necessary to invest in this concept all aspects of human health. This is physical and mental health. Science defines this process as psychosomatics. This process describes this type of health in combination with the mental state and the mutual influence of these processes on each other.

This type of health also depends very strongly on the cultural level of society as a whole and of each individual in particular. Only a highly cultured person is able to seriously understand all problems related to this type of health. The conducted studies show the dependence of the state of human health on its development level.

Health culture, including physical, can not develop outside the social environment. Artificial limitation of a person only on physical or spiritual development leads to the separation of personal and public priorities. What leads to the self-absorption of a person. What, ultimately, affects the psychosomatic state. As a consequence, it affects the physical and mental state of a person.

The level of health of a person is directly related to the physical and spiritual culture of a person, with a person's perception of universal human values and the priorities of the whole society.

Factors that have a positive effect on health:

  • observance of the daily routine (work, food, rest, sleep);
  • rational nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • cold training;
  • good relationships with people.

Factors that adversely affect health:

  • pernicious habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • emotional and mental wringer;
  • unfavorable ecology.

The main methods of studying the physical health of the population include:

  • anthroposcopy (description of the body as a whole and its separate parts);
  • anthropometry (measurement of body size and its individual parts);
  • anthropophysiometry (definition of the physiological state, functional capabilities of human organism).

A person to maintain this type of health needs:

  • physical activity;
  • eutrophy;
  • abandonment of pernicious habits;
  • adequate treatment of stressful situations;
  • high brain activity;
  • correct sleep;
  • social and sexual activity;
  • sanitation and hygiene.

The main rule for maintaining this type of health is that a person has a personal motivation to want to stay healthy and make the necessary efforts. For most people this means that you have to change your daily life and introduce certain regimes.

Greg Dean is verified user for iMedix