General information
Flagyl belongs to the group of antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drugs used to treat infections. It’s released it in the form of tablets, solution for infusion and oral administration, gel, cream.
It’s necessary to take it strictly in accordance with the purpose, and not to interrupt the course of treatment at the first signs of improvement, this doesn’t mean at all that you have recovered and got rid of the infection.
With an irregular intake, non-compliance with the dosage and the medication schedule, you will only achieve that the bacteria will get used to the drug and then it will be much more difficult to get rid of them.
No less important is the question: does Flagyl always help? It doesn’t affect vaginal fungal infections, it also don’t treat flu, acute respiratory viral infections and the common cold.
Flagil is effective against anaerobic bacteria that cause various infections; it’s prescribed for the prevention of infections after abdominal operations and female reproductive organs.
What is Flagyl?
How does Flagyl work?
How should Flagyl be taken?
What are the side effects of Flagyl?
Can Flagyl be taken with alcohol?
Is Flagyl safe during pregnancy?
Can Flagyl interact with other medications?
How quickly does Flagyl work?
Should Flagyl be taken with food?
How should Flagyl be stored?
It can be with caution prescribed for kidneys, liver dysfunctions. While taking the drug you shouldn’t consume alcohol, as this medicine can cause disgust for alcoholic beverages.
Flagyl quickly penetrates fetal bloodstream. Experiments on rats have shown that large doses of it (up to five times higher than those usually given to people) don’t harm the fetus. Only in one study after intraperitoneal administration to pregnant laboratory mice in several animals the fetus died, but it’s not entirely clear how this is associated with the use of the drug. However, since the extensive and well-controlled studies of this substance in pregnant women were not conducted, and the results of experiments on animals do not always give a clear picture of how the pills will affect a person, it’s prescribed to pregnant women only in case of urgent need. For example, it’s used to treat trichomoniasis during pregnancy in cases where other drugs have been ineffective.
In breast milk of a woman taking this remedy it’s contained in almost the same concentration as in blood plasma. Therefore, the breastfeeding woman and her doctor will have to make a choice: refuse breastfeeding, or choose another drug.
If the elderly person’s liver is impaired, this can lead to the fact that the drug will be excreted from the body too slowly and intensify side effects.
The efficacy and safety of prescribing Flagyl to children has been proven only for cases of amebiasis. Patients are advised to refuse drinking alcohol while taking the medicine, as well as for at least two days after the end of medication course.
In some cases, the remedy may have a bad effect on listening concentration and reaction rate, therefore, for at least 24 hours after the start of taking this drug, patients shouldn’t get behind the wheel or do any work with equipment. During this time, the patient can understand the drug influence on the body.
The exact dose depends on the patient’s diagnosis, general health, and a number of other factors. It’s better to drink a whole glass of water or milk; it can also be taken with meals – plenty of fluids and food can help prevent indigestion. Antibiotics act most effectively if the level of active substances in the body is constant, so it’s very important to take the remedy at regular intervals.
Take the medicine for as long as the doctor said, even if the symptoms of the infection disappear after a couple of days. If you stop taking it too soon, the bacteria can begin to multiply again, which can cause relapse, as well as the development of antibiotic resistance.
Tell your doctor if you don’t notice any improvement a few days after the start of treatment, or if the symptoms of the infection worsen.
How to take?
While taking the drug, it’s important not to disrupt the schedule and bring the course to its logical conclusion. With the schedule, everything is approximately clear, it’s necessary to form a certain concentration of the drug in the blood, for its effective influence on the pathogens.
Since it’s gradually excreted from the body by the kidneys and liver, the patient must take a certain dose every day during the entire treatment period in order to maintain the level of the active substance.
Why you can’t give up the course half way:
The patient feels the first improvement, disturbed symptoms fade away. Thinking that a complete cure has come, the patient believes that the pills can no longer be taken.
Fuel to the fire is poured by the advice of others that it’s not necessary to stuff yourself with any chemistry, since everything is already in order. A huge list of side effects doesn’t add the desire to use antibiotics anymore. But the problem is that not all pathogenic bacteria have been destroyed. Some remained in the form of cysts and other protected forms, as soon as the antibiotic is eliminated from the body, they will again begin to multiply. And this time they will be resistant to the antibiotic they already know.
Adverse effects occur because of an improper use or abuse of the drug. According to research and reviews, it can cause the following side effects:
- stromatitis;
- acedia;
- increased affectability;
- asthenia;
- glossitis;
- metallic taste in the mouth;
- thrombophlebitis;
- urticaria;
- itching;
- cystitis;
- nasal stuffiness;
- fervescence;
- moniliasis;
- convulsions;
- hallucinations;
- headedness;
- coordination loss.
An overdose of the remedy is dangerous to human health and can cause serious consequences, so you need to know what to do in case of poisoning.
Intoxication often causes a lot of unpredictable consequences, after which the body is quite difficult to recover. Particularly dangerous intoxication is considered if medications play a key role in its occurrence.
It seems that the medicine, which should only improve your health, can’t be harmful, but in practice everything is completely different. More and more people suffer from exceeding the permissible dosage of a particular substance, as a result of which the disease not only doesn’t enter the cure stage, but is also complemented by new unpleasant symptoms.
The antibiotic is available in several forms at once, but drug poisoning is associated with exceeding the dosage of tablets when administered orally. Suppositories and other forms of the medicine aren’t able to deliver such a strong blow to the body as tablets, because it’s important to use them with caution.
Due to the fact that the substance quickly spreads to absolutely all body systems, poisoning is a danger to humans. It takes approximately eight hours to remove the decay products of the drug, and during this period the effect may be the most terrible.
It’s possible to get rid of the unpleasant effects of venenation of the body only if overdose symptoms are detected in a timely manner. An overdose of this remedy is long lasting and occurs with regular use of it in large quantities, it can cause reactions of all systems of the human body, and the manifestation of this disease will be extremely unpleasant.
That is why it’s so important to protect yourself and your loved ones from abuse or accidental use of high doses of the antibiotic without the strict testimony of a medical specialist.
Alimentary organs responds immediately after ingestion of a large number of tablets and the signs of poisoning may be as follows:
- increased nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
- feeling of heaviness;
- changes in the perception of taste;
- inflammation of the tongue and gums;
- regular burp with an unpleasant taste;
- the appearance of a characteristic plaque in the tongue;
- significant loss of appetite;
- with the exacerbation of the disease may develop diseases such as pancreatitis, hepatitis and jaundice.
An overdose of the antibiotic is accompanied by a slight increase in heart rate, which is often difficult to detect on your own. Only a doctor can diagnose this symptom using specialized equipment. At the same time, the patient feels discomfort in the muscles throughout the body and in the extremities.
In order to significantly reduce the effects of poisoning, even if the amount of the substance is exceeded, it’s necessary to give first aid as soon as possible. It’s important to call a team of specialists, since only they can determine the severity of the sickness and prescribe the subsequent medical maintenance of the patient.
You have to wash the stomach with plenty of warm water. In this case, it’s necessary to flush the stomach until its contents are completely out, and the source of infection doesn’t leave the human body.
Next, the patient must take sorbents that block the effect of the toxin on the body and help remove it. For this purpose you can use activated carbon or Smekta, which must be used in full accordance with the prescriptions.
The final stage of patient care is to replenish the water balance in the body.
Medical maintenance of overdose medication should occur only under the supervision of a physician. This is what guarantees a quick deliverance from unpleasant signs of disease and a return to normal life.
Flagyl and Metronidazol are most often used in the form of tablets. In case of tuberculosis, it’s not recommended to use the combination of these drugs in patients under the age of 18 who have gastrointestinal diseases or liver disease. When treating patients with diabetes, you need to consider the presence of sucrose in the preparations. There is some peculiarity of influence on the ability to drive complex, potentially dangerous machinery or vehicles. When treating gastritis, 1 tablet of each agent is applied, orally three times a day for 12 days. For the medical maintenance of tuberculosis, as an additional measure, the course is extended to an average of 6 months. In case of kidney disorders, the dosage is reduced. The daily dose has to be no more than 2 grams of each of the drugs. Amoxicilin needs to be taken before meals, and Metronidazol – after meals. You need to drink tablets with water or milk.
Alcohol interaction
It’s strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before and after the intake course for at least 48 hours, because numerous side effects will appear as a result of ethanol oxidation.
Rita (35): It’s an effective budget thing with many side effects.
Genry (29): It’s a penny tablet with a wide spectrum of action. Well, you need to be very cautious when taking it.
Joan (48): It really helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis, but it’s not perfect because of side effects.
Those who wrote this article thank you very much, it helps me.