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Metformin is prescribed to people receiving insulin therapy. It is used by physicians to monitor the level of insulin in the patient's blood and reduce weight, if the latter can not be achieved by diet and exercise.
  • Dr. Paul Thomas
  • Updated 2024-08-24
  • Published 2024-03-13

General information

Metformin is prescribed to people receiving insulin therapy. It is used by physicians to monitor the level of insulin in the patient’s blood and reduce weight, if the latter can not be achieved by diet and exercise. It prevents hyperinsulinemia (increasing the level of the hormone in the blood to critical values), which, in turn, in most patients with diabetes, and as proved by multiple double-blind studies performed in clinical settings, is the main factor for weight gain and occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies.
Metformin does not affect the production of insulin.

It maintains the concentration of the hormone at a stable level, and the patient doesn’t have a constant feeling of hunger anymore.
If the drug is taken with food, the main share of the active substance settles and accumulates in the walls of the intestine. In this case, metformin interferes with the absorption of glucose from food and contributes to its quick disposal.

If the medicine is taken separately from food, it is usually successfully absorbed into the mucosa. About half of its active components enter the bloodstream, and from there it spreads over the key organs of the body.

The substance is contained in the liver, where it slows down the processes of transformation of non-carbohydrate compounds into sugars, occurring in the body. As a result, the rate of glucose entry into the blood decreases.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. If their intake or synthesis slows down, the body begins to use fat stock. Thus, people who take metformin, can reduce weight.

The drug increases the susceptibility of cells to insulin, due to this, muscle fibers begin to consume glucose more actively.
The carbohydrate enters the cells from the blood. Sugar indicators drop to normal. There comes the moment, when all the glucose, both the glucose that comes from outside, and which is synthesized by the body, is used by the organism to produce energy. There is nothing extra left, so there is no reserve in the form of deferred fat.

Metformin is produced by various pharmaceutical companies:

  • Gedeon Richter;
  • Teva;
  • FarmVILAR;
  • Ozone;
  • Atoll.

The form of the drug is a tablet, covered with a smooth film shell. They are white at the break, biconvex, with an edge. In a dosage of 500 mg they are offered in a round form, and in the dosage of 850 and 1000 mg in an oblong form.

They come packed in transparent blisters with metal foil in the amount of 30, 60 and 120 pieces in one box.

The absolute analogues of the medicine discussed here are:

  • Formetin;
  • Siofor;
  • Glucophage;
  • Gliformin;
  • Bagomet.

All of them have a similar composition and schemes of application, but differ only in terms of manufacturer and price. Among the preparations of the Metformin class the most controversial reviews are about the tablets produced by Ozone. Some people say they do not feel any effect taking those. Most often, the preference is given to the drug produced by Gedeon Richter.

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a medication primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes. It belongs to a class of drugs known as biguanides and helps control blood sugar levels. It works by decreasing glucose production in the liver and improving insulin sensitivity.

How does Metformin work?

Metformin works by reducing the amount of sugar released by the liver into the bloodstream and making the body’s cells more responsive to insulin. This helps to lower blood sugar levels and improve the body’s overall glucose metabolism.

What are the side effects of Metformin?

Common side effects of Metformin include gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. It can also cause a metallic taste in the mouth. Rarely, it can lead to a serious condition called lactic acidosis.

Can Metformin help with weight loss?

While not primarily a weight loss medication, Metformin can cause modest weight loss in some individuals, especially when coupled with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

How should Metformin be taken?

Metformin is usually taken orally in tablet form, with meals to reduce gastrointestinal side effects. The dosage and frequency are determined by a healthcare provider based on the patient’s medical condition and response to treatment.

Is Metformin safe during pregnancy?

Metformin is sometimes used during pregnancy to manage gestational diabetes, but its safety is still a topic of research. Pregnant women should discuss the risks and benefits with their healthcare provider.

Can Metformin be used to treat type 1 diabetes?

Metformin is generally not used as a treatment for type 1 diabetes, as it works to improve the body’s response to insulin, which is not typically a problem in type 1 diabetes.

Are there any long-term effects of taking Metformin?

Long-term use of Metformin is generally considered safe, but it can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency in some cases. Regular monitoring and medical check-ups are recommended during extended use.

Can Metformin be used in combination with other diabetes medications?

Yes, Metformin is often used in combination with other diabetes medications when additional blood sugar control is needed. This should always be done under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

How should Metformin be stored?

Metformin should be stored at room temperature, away from light and moisture. Keep it in its original container, and make sure it’s out of reach of children and pets.


The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breast-feeding, so if you are going to become a young mother soon, you have to be very careful with it.

It should not be given to people:

  • who have underwent serious surgeries;
  • having cardiovascular diseases, impaired kidney function, liver, breathing problems;
  • problems lactase deficiency and intolerance to lactose;
  • suffering from infectious diseases;
  • who have passed an X-ray examination within two days before taking the drug;
  • symptoms of alcoholism;
  • over 60 years old, engaged in heavy physical labor.

The drug cannot be taken toghether with many medicines: neuroleptics, antidepressants, contraceptive, thyroid-stimulating hormones.
Pills for weight loss can not be combined with a low-calorie diet. In a day you need to consume at least 1000 calories.

The most frequent side effects (in 18-20% of cases) are diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach, aversion to food, headaches. On the background of long-term usage a vitamin B12 deficiency develops.

Metformin Dosage

The opinions of most doctors are that no patient should prescribe a drug to himself. Dosage and frequency of admission can be selected only by a specialist, and only according to the results of the survey.

The official instruction also states that a doctor sets the scheme for each patient. It means that there is no general or common protocol, which could be applied to any patient irrelevant of his particular specific health status. The drug is taken in the amount of 500-1000 mg per day. Then, depending on the level of glucose in the blood, on the 10th-15th day, i.e. after 1 or two weeks, this dose can be increased to 1700-2000 per day. However, it has to be noted and kept in mind, that the maximum amount that can be consumed per day is 3000 mg.

To reduce the consequences of that, the dose is divided into 2-3 parts, that is the most advised way to apply the drug. Tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing, with a small amount of water immediately before eating or already during a meal.
At occurrence of by-effects, a doctor corrects a dose. Before you drink Metformin, you need to remove blood counts and monitor how they change in the process.

How to take Metformin?

Patients with diabetes should take the drug longer, for many months.

If the only goal of this treatment is weight loss, then Metformin can not be taken for more than a month. Start with a minimum dosage of 500 mg twice daily with meals. Every day increase the dose to 850 mg. Keep it for three weeks.

Treatment should be accompanied with a special diet and exercise. Be sure to exclude all fast carbohydrates: flour, candy, confectionery, too sweet fruit, chocolate. Otherwise, problems with digestion can not be avoided. Any sugars, which won’t be digested in the intestines, will irritate its walls and try to exit the body.

Normally in a month, patients loose from 1 to 4 kg. However since the treatment is carried out against a background of low-carbohydrate diet and exercise, the effectiveness of the drug remains in question.

Metformin Side-effects

When taking the drug is very likely to develop side effects, diarrhea, and often there is an individual intolerance. Often, patients develop dyspeptic disorders. Weight is reduced to a certain level, and then stays without any dynamics.

Metformin Overdose

In case of an overdose, the following side effects are observed:

  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Rashes on the skin;
  • Lactacidosis.


Metformin in combination with the drugs against high pressure suppresses the growth of cancer cells. As we know, and as has been stated by the studies preformed on the global scale, slowing down of the cancer cells proliferation is the most difficult task the contemporary medicine encounters whatsoever. Large doses of metformin suppress the growth of cancer cells, but cause unwanted side effects.

Therefore, researchers tested more than 1000 drugs in search of a drug that can enhance the antitumor activity of metformin. The best results were demonstrated with sirosingoping. The study showed that the combination effectively affects different types of cancer cells. The combination of these drugs disrupts the processes vital to the cells to generate energy.

Alcohol interaction

Metformin and alcohol are old and irreconcilable enemies. The thing is that this medicine is included in the list of those drugs that are not to be combined with alcohol.

If you take Metmorphine with alcohol you can get a severe poisoning. Unfortunately, this is not known to everybody, that is why there are a lot of cases of lethality among patients who were prescribed with this medication and who were drinking alcoholic beverages.

Metformin Reviews

Dr. Adams: Some patients ask for Metformin directly just stepping over the threshold, but we understand that this is impossible without an appropriate examination. The drug has an extensive list of contraindications. For example, it strongly affects the kidneys, which are responsible for liquid regulation in the body, so any negative impacts on it might lead to undesirable affects. Patients with elevated creatinine generally surely can not be assigned with it. Any reception should be accompanied by the control of the doctor. About 20% of patients complain at the beginning of treatment of nausea and loosening of the stool. We manage to reduce symptoms by halving the dose and adjusting the nutrition

Dr. Adderiy: The drug is prescribed by specialists for the purpose of the detection of insulin resistance (tissue cells do not perceive insulin, as a result of which it accumulates in the blood). Resistance should again be established by the doctor according to the results of the tests. In the absence of insulin resistance, Metformin will not work. So, do not self-medicate.

Dr. Farrell: The drug is old, reliable and well-tested, it helps well in case of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. There was time in the early 90’s, when it was forbidden. I prescribe it for the treatment of obesity to patients with type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis against the background of insulin resistance.

Annette: Because of the reduction of the feeling hunger and decreased appetite, people who took this medication note that they start to eat less. Many became indifferent, and even developed aversion to certain types of food containing carbohydrates. Obviously, therefore, many people note the resilience of the result: after losing weight, extra pounds do not return back, as happens after hard and express diets.
I have been taking Metformin for some time according to the doctor’s prescription. The result was amazing. The state of health improved significantly, and most importantly, 5 kg were easily lost.

Barbara: Metformin was taken to improve health while undergoing treatment at the hospital. The weight was reduced by 8 kg! I did not even understand why, then I read the instructions to the drug – it turned out that Metformin helps to lose weight. In addition, I began to eat properly, so may be this accounts for the effect. I can strongly recommend

How do you take Metformin?
Have you experienced any side effects while taking Metformin?
How much has your condition improved since starting Metformin?
What do you use Metformin for?
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