How to overcome anxiety?

By Samuel Ortiz
Updated 2020-03-11 17:15:02 | Published 2018-08-10 09:05:56
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Are you in constant anxiety and feeling exhausted? Anxiety regarding a person close to you or about upcoming event is natural but constant uneasiness is abnormal and even disastrous.

If this does not stop anxiety can literally cripple your life. The imagination of people suffering from chronic anxiety is often drawn to all sorts of worst-case scenarios. This triggers secondary symptoms such as panic, fear, anxiety, pain, stress and chronic fatigue.
Such people are disturbed literally by everything: how they will get out of bed tomorrow, how they will go to work, how they will meet with other people, whether they will survive. They are worried even about the anxiety itself.

If you experience any form of anxiety it is important to recognize this condition. Denial will only delay effective measures to combat such a condition and will intensify the intensity of the next bout of anxiety. It is possible that some aspects of your life require your attention and anxiety is the way the body attracts your attention to them.

Regardless of what is the source of your anxiety you must tune in to the simple and natural ways outlined below to manage the anxiety before it starts to control you.

Go back to nature.

Extinction from nature, persistent stress, electromagnetic emanation and poor nutrition can trigger responsiveness. Our body has a need to be nurtured by nature. Fill this need with scheduled regular breaks to spend time on the seashore, mountains or in the forest. Even a fifteen-minute walk through the park after dinner will have a strong effect on your body, mind and soul.

Maintain proper nutrition.

All living things should be fed with natural, not processed foods, preservatives and artificial additives, which can cause anxiety, insomnia and anxiety. Enter in your diet as many fresh whole foods as you can.

Learn to rest properly.

Every night we need at least seven hours of sleep. You will work more fruitfully and learn better if you take ten-minute breaks every sixty or ninety minutes (especially if your work requires concentration). The deprivation of such rest can cause stress, irritability and anxiety.

Learn to resist the negative impact of modern technology.

In the past, people did not have television, radio, mobile communications and Internet. They did not suffer from anxiety attacks. Communications play a big role in modern life but most of us abuse them. Allocate exactly the time for the media which is really important for work and well-being and stick to the planned time.


You try to control and improve everything in your life. Check the validity of this by evaluating the results you have achieved. Many things in life we can not control and therefore it makes no sense to worry about them. Learn to recognize what is to controlled and what is not.

Think only of today's life.

Anxiety is caused by bad thoughts about the future and problems in the past. This separates us from the present and, accordingly, from the experiences that we would have to experience.

Samuel Ortiz is verified user for iMedix

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