How long does it take for birth control to work?

By Janice Jensen
Updated 2024-04-07 08:41:58 | Published 2018-12-29 18:12:31
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Birth control pills

Oral contraceptives are considered to be one of the most reliable methods of contraception, with a success rate of 98 out of 100 cases. The effectiveness of birth control pills lies in their composition. They contain two basic hormones: estrogen, a female hormone produced by the ovaries since puberty, and progestin, a male hormone that is also present in the female body. These hormones work together to inhibit the maturation of the ovum, thus preventing ovulation.

It is important to note that the intake of hormonal contraceptives should be carried out only according to a strictly established scheme. Any deviation from the regime can lead to the onset of pregnancy or adversely affect the menstrual cycle.

One common question that women have is how long does it take for birth control to work. The drug does not begin working immediately. In the first week, the body adapts to the incoming hormones, gradually rearranging its work according to them. During these 7 days, it is recommended to use an additional form of protection to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

It is also important to note that not all oral contraceptives have the same effect on every woman's body. The ideal medication for one woman may not be suitable for another. The most important thing is to make the right choice of drug, and this can only be done by a doctor based on the results of a series of tests. The doctor will determine the exact ratio of hormones needed for the body and select the ideal preparation for the patient.

In conclusion, oral contraceptives are an effective method of preventing pregnancy, but it is important to use them correctly and under the guidance of a doctor. Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman, but in order to feel truly happy, the child must be desired. Modern methods of preventing pregnancy are designed in such a way that, if used correctly, there will not be any problems with conceiving a baby after the drug withdrawal.

Janice Jensen is verified user for iMedix

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