How to cure a man with erectile dysfunction at home?

By Allan Perez
Updated 2024-04-08 07:19:10 | Published 2018-12-14 06:00:06
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How to cure a man with erectile dysfunction at home?

Male potency refers to a man's ability to engage in sexual intercourse, and impotence or erectile dysfunction implies an impairment of this ability. With half of men over 40 experiencing erectile dysfunction at some point, it's becoming increasingly common for younger men to face this issue as well. Experts attribute this trend to changes in lifestyle, environmental factors, and even the growing role of social networks in communication, which can negatively impact a man's hormonal balance.

Naturally, the question of how to increase potency is of great interest to many men, regardless of their current sexual health. While there are methods to improve potency at home, it's crucial to consult a doctor and prioritize the techniques recommended by a specialist.

Traditional medicine offers some methods that are even justified from a medical perspective. However, it's essential to remember that each individual's body is unique, and the causes of erectile dysfunction can vary. Some popular traditional techniques include regular douches, bathing procedures, applying ice to different parts of the body to train blood vessels, and using herbs such as ginseng, rhodiola rosea, clover, Chinese lemongrass, St. John's wort, nettle, yarrow, and others. It's crucial to consult a doctor before attempting these methods, as improper or overly aggressive approaches can harm a man's health.

Incorporating specific foods into the diet can also have a positive impact on sexual health, as recognized by many urologists and andrologists. A well-designed diet can help increase testosterone levels, the primary male sex hormone. Foods such as walnuts, fermented milk products (like ayran and koumiss), ginger, hot pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and other spices can have a beneficial effect. Additionally, honey, celery, cilantro, spinach, asparagus, pumpkin, garlic, onions, figs, and pomegranate can improve erectile function. Protein-rich foods, including seafood (especially oysters), beef, cheese, cottage cheese, and lean fish like flounder and mackerel, should also be included in the diet.

Lastly, incorporating polyunsaturated fatty acids, found in fish oil, flaxseed, and olive oil, can further support male potency.

Allan Perez is verified user for iMedix

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