Why do women live longer than men?

By Dr. Michael Hiroshi Johnson
Updated 2021-02-17 19:19:10 | Published 2018-09-09 06:44:12
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Lifetime span is not the same in different regions of the Earth. This is affected by social stability, economic well-being, accessibility and level of medical care, household comfort, literacy of the population in terms of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and many other factors. However, it is common for almost all countries of the world that women live on average 7-10 years longer than men.

The immune system of men and women work in different ways. Representatives of the stronger sex are more resistant to heavy physical stress and nervous shocks but they are very sensitive to infections. It is established that men are more susceptible to bacterial, fungal and viral infections than women. They fell down with diseases and often get complications.

Apparently, the stronger and more flexible immunity of a woman is related to the fact that her body is designed for conception, carrying a child, giving birth and infant feeding.

Female digestive tract is more sensitive than male digestive tract. Female digestive tract is not able to cope with a lot of rough and heavy food. Women often suffer from discomforts related to malfunctioning of the intestines, gastritis and colitis. However, this constitutional peculiarity has the opposite side as well. Women digest food almost three times slower than men and their digestive system works without tension.

Men are much more likely to become slaves to pernicious habits. For example, the ratio of the number of men and women suffering from alcoholism and depression is 5:1. The ratio of the number of drug addicts is 7:1. If we consider that the tendency to develop pernicious habits is one of the main risk factors for pernicious disease, we can understand why women live a few years longer than men.

Women are more emotional, talkative. They are more open to communication. Ability to splash out their emotions helps them to better endure life's upheavals and maintain the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Men are more reserved and tend to hide feelings. Troubles and stresses hurt them much more than women.

Men and women perceive troubles in different ways. For example, a man experiences a professional failure as a personal tragedy since his self-positioning depends directly on the degree of social realization. A woman reacts to such circumstances less dramatically.
A woman is prone to taking care of her appearance and health. According to the statistics, women visit doctors more often than men and implement doctor’s recommendations much more conscientiously.

According to the statistics, married men on average live longer than singles. Perennial happy marriages contribute not only to longevity but also to the successful preservation of physical and intellectual activity of both partners.

Such facts indicate that lifetime increases if people love each other, surround relatives with care and support. In combination with the rejection of pernicious habits and an optimistic view of the world this provides an opportunity to resist negative factors and to remain healthy and cheerful for a long time.

Dr. Michael Hiroshi Johnson is verified user for iMedix

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