I am a surgical oncologist and a member of the Breast Surgical Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York and New Jersey. I specialize in breast cancer surgery and provide the full range of procedures including breast conservation surgery (lumpectomy), sentinel node biopsy, and mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction. My special interest is in nipple-sparing mastectomy, a procedure in which the breast tissue is removed through a small incision and which results in an excellent appearance.
- 1996
Hackensack University Medical Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
136 Mountainview Blvd
Basking Ridge
(800) 755-7173
- Oncologist
- Breast Reconstruction
- Mastectomy
- Skin Surgery
- Breast Biopsy
- Skin Tags Removal
- Accepts Medicare
- Accepts Medicaid
- Aetna
- Aetna Medicare Advantage (City of NY retirees only starting 9/1/23)
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program
- Blue Cross Blue Shield New York
- Blue Cross Blue Shield states outside of NY/NJ
- Blue Cross Health Plus
- Carrum Health
- Cigna
- Connecticare
- Emblem
- Emblem Essential
- Emblem Medicare Advantage
- Empire Blue Cross Medicare Advantage
- Empire Essential
- Empire Plan / NYSHIP (Blue Cross/UnitedHealthcare split plan)
- Fidelis
- Fidelis Managed Medicaid & HARP
- Fidelis Medicare Advantage
- First Health
- Healthfirst
- Healthfirst Managed Medicaid
- Healthfirst Medicare Advantage
- Healthsmart
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey (HMO)
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey (PPO)
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey Omnia Tier I (EPO)
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey Omnia Tier II (EPO)
- Horizon Medicare Advantage
- Husky CT Medicaid
- Magnacare
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